It has been said that addiction, eating disorders and other mental and behavioral health conditions are a family disease. The individual who is struggling requires a great deal of attention, time and energy from the rest of the family, and ‘crisis mode’ turns into the new normal.

Similar to a game of hide-and-seek, family members may hide from or deny the truth and seek unhealthy ways to manage the chaos. When a loved one is suffering, the desire to ‘stop the bleeding’ becomes instinctive; however, the root cause of the wound is rarely addressed. Tension, secrecy, and emotional and physical trauma, can cause a once-happy family to suddenly feel isolated, divided, toxic and unsafe.
Recognizing when a loved one’s relationship with alcohol, drugs, food, etc., has developed into a serious problem can be challenging. Furthermore, family dynamics often exacerbate an already-complicated situation. When making a decision on the best course of action, family unity is of the utmost importance.
There Is Hope
At The Recovery Coach, we offer recovery coaching for families affected by addiction, eating disorders, and other mental health disorders. Our certified recovery coaches will discuss the dangers of enabling, rescuing, and controlling; help family members identify new behaviors; provide accountability around establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries; and explore effective self-care practices. Our goal is to reduce feelings of shame, despair and fear by empowering family members to begin their own recovery journey.
Through honesty, open-mindedness and willingness, the family unit can regain strength. Restoring balance by implementing healthy coping skills and boundaries leads to radical acceptance, authentic relationships, and newfound freedom.
Despite what may seem like insurmountable circumstances and a hopeless situation, family recovery and restoration are possible. Working together with a family recovery coach who shares similar lived experiences can make all the difference.
For more information about recovery support for families, please call/text (678) 851-3314 or Contact Us online.